"For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand,
that we should walk in them..."
Ephesians 2:10
We are most like our Creator when we are creative. At Common Ground, we are always looking for ways to share the gospel message, lift up the name of Christ, and connect to others through creative ways. Music, art, spoken word, visual art, and technology are foundational tools in our tool belt for communicating the message of the Cross. In the book of Arts, the miracle of Pentecost was that everyone heard the gospel in a language they understood and through the creative process. #Doxologyandtheology.
For more information and to get involved, contact Kelly.

Kelly has been leading the worship team and has been in music for years. She has a passion for worship and helping others grow in their gifts and talents to praise the Lord. There are many ways you can present your gifts to God, and if there
is a gift on your heart that you want to grow in and develop in our church, we would love to help be a part of the journey.
is a gift on your heart that you want to grow in and develop in our church, we would love to help be a part of the journey.

Art and creativity is an incredible way of not only expressing yourself to others, but to God. The gift of the arts can come in many forms. Whether that is pain on a canvas, photography, or whatever you are passionate about, we want to help you grow in your gifts and have a place to express them.
We encourage people to dive deep into their gifts and how the Lord can shape them. What makes you passionate about what you do? How can you use your talents for God and inspire others to do the same? Are there areas in the arts that you want to explore Whatever it may be, we want to being your creativity to life.
We encourage people to dive deep into their gifts and how the Lord can shape them. What makes you passionate about what you do? How can you use your talents for God and inspire others to do the same? Are there areas in the arts that you want to explore Whatever it may be, we want to being your creativity to life.
Weekday Meetups
COVID-19 Update
Unfortunately due to COVID-19 we are not currently meeting, for you and our staff's safety. However, please contact us and we would love to help get you connected and use your gifts for the Lord.